Finally the discovery of cancer medicine? Researchers at Glasgow University have claimed this. The researchers said that the technology to eradicate cancerous cells is now in their hands. It is not always effective in the way that the patient's body has cancer cells killed. This new method called CICD is expected to achieve hundred percent success. But they will conduct some more experiments on the matter. Medical researchers used methods such as chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy to combat cancer. In the application of apoptosis, the cells in the form of proteins through artificial means are killed.
However, many times the cancer cells that have been infected with the virus have been turned away from the attack of proteins. In the new system, no affected cells will be spared. Not only this, the cells also get rid of unwanted toxic substances.The head of the researcher Stephen Tate said, "We promise to achieve 100 percent success. And this research has to be run for several days. After this, normal patients will be treated in this manner.
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